There I am, looking moody, slightly bored, and pretty focused: When in fact, I’m just your typical bloke, who sure, has the odd intrusive thought. I’ve been known to twitch, touch/check the same thing repeatedly, and like Spiderman, I have Hyperawareness and Sensory Hallucination. Still, I’m normal, right?

So, Mental-(Ish)-Why & What For?

Before you read, Please note my words may be triggering & contain a lot of swearing

I’ve had a few issues with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) & more recently, general anxiety disorder (GAD) The joy of being anxious.

 As young as I can remember, I’ve had intrusive thoughts, some so bad that since childhood I’ve felt… well, insane. This was teamed with ‘so-called habits’ Which were, endless blinking, raising my voice mid-conversation, and having to clean, wash, & scrub until my hands would bleed.

Even though I was diagnosed with OCD at a young age, I never really dealt with things until I reached my 30s when a breakdown hit.

Nobody Should Want to End Their Life, Especially Through a Lack of Understanding Towards Mental Health.  

 During the pandemic, I began to write, gaining a few publications and a newfound coping strategy was born! Not bad for a dyslexic man who left school at barely 14 years old.

 My words are my memories from the past and some closer to the present. Some I’ve found incredibly tough to revisit and yet, when I read them back, they make me lol!  

 The power of writing... who knew! 

Let’s talk about our Mental(Ish), openly, honestly, and with humour.'

‘Sorry in advance for the very bad language ahead’

I don’t use stock images… Well, maybe one or two.